Black Jeera | kala jeera, kalonji seeds | karunjeeragam | Black Cumin Seeds for hair gowth


SKU: KBJER00 Categories: , ,

The flavor and aroma of black cumin is very distinctive and often used as a flavoring spice in India and the Middle East. Black cumin seeds effectively lower blood sugar levels, reduce glucose absorption, and stop the development of type-1 diabetes.With the content of linoleic acid or Omega 3 and Omega 6, black cumin helps to smooth blood circulation to the brain that can maximize the brain function.Black cumin can increase the growth of T-cells that are useful for destroying infected cells .Saponin found in black cumin can cleanse and neutralize toxins in the body to maximize the performance of organs.

Weight N/A
Weight (Gm)

100 Gm, 50 Gm

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